Kamar tipe Alexandra Family Room 5 dapat mengakomodir hingga 4 orang Dewasa + 1 Anak, Kamar tipe Family 5 memiliki fasilitas yang lengkap meliputi: Media entertaiment berupa TV LED (TV Digital dengan siaran FTA lokal dan nasional ), Hotel Amenities berupa Air Mineral, Perlengkapan Mandi (Sikat/Sabun/Shampoo .dll), Adjustable Shower dengan Air Panas/Dingin, WiFi Internet Access dengan kecepatan hingga 100 Mbps dan tentunya dengan harga yang sangat ekonomis.
Room Policies :
- Mahram Only
- Non-Smoking Room
- No Pet Allowed
Hotel has a policy of not receiving any reservations made by non-married couples and that the married-couples has to present themselves with a valid government-issued identity prior to check-in such as Indonesian ID card (KTP suami-istri) / Marriage Certificate / wedding photos (foto-foto pernikahan). Failing/refusing to do so will result in the rejection of the reservation.